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Investment of €1m a day on cycling/walking infrastructure under transport plan

There will be investment of €1 million a day in the development of cycling and walking infrastructure countrywide, the Minister for Public Expenditure Paschal Donohoe has said.
In the budget on Tuesday he said the Government would next year allocate €3.9 billion overall to the transport sector. He said there would be €1 billion in current funding and €2.9 million in capital funding.
He said the funding will enable:
[ Budget 2025: Shades of Celtic Tiger era ‘payback’ in this pre-election budgetOpens in new window ]
Mr Donohoe also announced a new €100 million initiative for the development of port facilities in Cork.
He said a financing agreement has been reached between the Port of Cork and the Ireland Strategic Investment Fund to extend the Port’s quayside berth at Ringaskiddy.
“The agreement, a €99 million financing package, will allow the Port of Cork to develop multipurpose infrastructure capable of meeting the requirements of the offshore renewable energy sector. The agreement marks a significant milestone in our ongoing commitment to deliver a greener, more sustainable future.”
Mr Donohoe also announced that transport is to be one the four areas to receive additional investment under funding provided from the proceeds of the Apple tax case.
He said the Government had agreed the principle that the €14.1 billion in the Apple funds “should be invested to expand our infrastructure for the future development of our society”.
“Specifically, water, electricity, transport and housing have been identified as four strategic investment pillars. Investing in these areas will support the needs of our people, assist in growing our economy and help in meeting our climate and nature goals.”
Mr Donohoe also said the Government would continue to support a number of cross-Border transport projects under the Shared Island initiative.
He said this included strategic projects such as the Narrow Water Bridge linking the Republic of Ireland near Omeath in Co Louth with Northern Ireland near Warrenpoint, Co Down. He said the Government would also contribute to the A5 north-west transport corridor upgrade and linked road projects in Monaghan and Donegal.
